
This blog is about Shekinah, our sweet daughter who was called up to glory on 09th November 2011. Shekinah was born on 31st of December 1995, as our first daughter. She gave us a lot of fulfilling memories within this short span of 15 years. 

As she entered her teenage, she had a genuine touch from the Lord and was born again. Took water baptism on 4th of October 2009 and was baptized in the Holy Spirit during a church conference at Kottayam in September 2010. She loved the Lord and His church. Very soon she grew up to be a godly girl who blessed all who came across her path. 

It was in December 2010 that Shekinah was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a tough bone cancer. Since then, she had to undergo high dose chemotherapy, surgery and various other procedures at CMC Hospital Vellore. By His grace, she endured it all without complaints or murmuring. We too were with her through thick and thin. We tayed together those 10 months at Vellore. We enjoyed the brief periods we got between the chemotherapy cycles. She was happy and cheerful then and we would go out and eat together. Our hearts knit together very close and we loved each other deeply. We are sad that she is not with us now. But are happy that she is in a much better place, in His presence, in that land without pain or sorrow.

Read on to know more about Shekinah…. We, her parents and siblings, dedicate this blog for the memory of Shekinah and for the gloy of God.