Are you a walker or a talker?
Acts 1:1 says that Jesus did and then spoke. It is easy to go to the tree of knowledge (for knowledge of right and wrong) and eat than to eat from the tree of life. Tree of life is guarded by the cherubims with revolving swords and unless we allow these swords to fall on our flesh/self life (while we walk the talk), we will not become humble, godly people. An educated mind and sharp intellect can analyze/say/write a lot of stuff - but the need of the hour is for faithful men who will do and then teach. Knowledge puff up! .. and there is a possibility to think more highly of us than we ought to think and be self decieved. Even cyber fellowship can lead us to self deception. Loving a person in a far off country is much more easy that to love a brother who keeps irritating you in your local church! It is only when we obey, yield , build a godly family, be integrated to a local body of believers, lead a local body of believers etc. (do..), that we become broken and wise. A few wise words from the walker will have a greater impact than multitude of words from the talker! What a need for us all to be better doers!